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C.R. Loco Kits - Class 179

Scale drawing of CL7

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Photo of prototype Class 179

1790x - the loco is so highly polished that the last digit is lost!

Photo of model of 17906

Our take on the above!

CL07  4mm scale Class 179 4-6-0 locomotive and 3570 gallon tender (type M3)
£160.00. Packed Weight 500g

C.R. numbers 179-189; L.M.S. numbers 17905-17915

Another distinctive loco being the only class of Caledonian engine with a side window cab. Built during 1913-15, these powerful, superheated locos were both at home on express passenger turns (especially between Buchanan Street and Perth) and fast freights. Being somewhat non-standard the locos did not survive the L.M.S. purges for very long although the last was not withdrawn until 1946. After withdrawal the tenders were redistributed to other locos such as those of the Class 900.

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Caley Coaches Ltd, 15 Tay Crescent, Bishopbriggs, GLASGOW, Scotland, G64 1EU

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

Caledonian Railway Coat of Arms

"Wha dare meddle wi' me" - a loose translation of the Scottish motto (nemo me impune lacessit, litterly meaning "no-one provokes me with impunity") which was appropriated along with the Scottish coat of arms (without any sanction from the Lord Lyon, King of Arms) by the Caledonian Railway Co.

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Caley Coaches Ltd,
15 Tay Crescent
G64 1EU

+44(0)7771 956 643

Please e-mail us with any questions, to check stock or should you find any broken links on the site.

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie.

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

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Company Number 137795.
Registered in Scotland.
Jim Smellie, Director.