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Caley Coaches Logo

Caley Coaches Ltd is a Scottish based concern which produces high quality photo-etched brass kits of items related to the Caledonian Railway of Scotland (CR) to enable the discerning modeller to produce high quality models in 4mm and 7mm scales.

Dunalastair III on local train

Recreate the evocative scene above in 4mm scale using Caley Coaches Ltd kits, Dunalastair III (CL5) 14437 approaching Edinburgh Princes Street station in the early '30s with a 'Grampian' 65' D95 Corridor Brake Composite (D95) and 57' D124 Corridor Third (CC3) in tow - we can even supply the signal arms (CF28) and loco lamps (CF29)

The Caledonian Railway was the premier railway company in Scotland first promoted more than 175 years ago to build a line between Carlisle on the Scottish border to Edinburgh and Glasgow completing the rail link to London. It grew both by acquisition and by building new lines to become the largest railway company in Scotland serving many disparate towns and villages when in 1923 it was grouped under government plan with other companies (most notably its old English partner the London and North Western Railway and their old antagonists the Midland Railway and Glasgow & South Western Railway) into the London Midland and Scottish Railway which was the biggest of what became known as the "Big Four" groups.

All kits feature a compensated chassis giving true 3-point suspension and are complete except for wheels, paint and transfers. Locomotive kits also require motor and gears. All kits come with comprehensive building instructions, prototype information and scale drawing.

Items with reference numbers prefixed 7/ are for 7mm scale, all other items are for 4mm scale and can be built to suit any of OO, EM or P4 gauges.

Small Print

The price charged will be the price ruling on the date of order acceptance and all prices are subject to change without notice. All previous catalogues and price lists are hereby superseded. E&OE.

If ordering by mail, please use the correct reference numbers preferably using the attached Acrobat .pdf. Payment must be by Sterling cheque/Postal Order/Money Order/Bank Draft payable to Caley Coaches Ltd. Sorry but we cannot accept credit/debit cards either over the phone or by mail - we can only accept them via the web site. An alternative payment method is directly to our PayPal account (

Small orders under £25.00 will incur a postage charge of £2.25 otherwise the standard postage charge is £4.75 which should be added to all orders. Overseas postage must be at cost - at the bottom of each page you will see a button 'Add International Shipping'. As you order please note the packed weight of each kit which is given just after the kit description. Once you have finished please click on the 'Add International Shipping' button and add the correct shipping charge according to weight and destination. Note that the standard charge will be added if you are ordering on-line but this has been discounted from the additional charge.

Caley Coaches Ltd is no longer VAT registered and therefore can offer no relief of tax to overseas customers. Overseas customers please note that you will be liable for any import duties or taxes levied in your country.

You will see a 'Add to Order' button below many items and a 'Proceed to Checkout' button on the footer of each page. On-line payments can be accepted from all major credit and debit cards and by bank transfer. On-line payments use PayPal® as the secure service provider and so are guaranteed safe.

Prior to ordering on-line PLEASE email us to ensure the items you required are in stock. Doing so will minimise any refunds onto your card.

No button generally means no stock but it is always worth a call or email us to check. However for items which we know should be coming back into stock shortly you will see an 'Advance Order' button. This allows you to reserve a kit from the next batch and on receipt of an order containing such items we will email you with an estimated delivery date.

To purchase a kit simply click on the 'Add to Order' or 'Advance Order' button which will take you to an order form where you can alter the quantity and then return to the site. When you are done click 'Proceed to Checkout' and then check out - you will be prompted for your credit/debit card details to complete the transaction.


Loco Kits

Availability of loco kits isn't too good at the moment but we are working to bring all back into stock. Drop us a note of any you particularly want to see so priorities can be established.

Coach Kits

All seven variants of the 12 wheel corridor stock including the original Grampian Stock now feature in the range together with non-corridor 12 wheelers for the Edinburgh and Glasgow stock : D101 Brake Third, D102 First and D105 Third (which was uniquely 68' long) together with the D103 'slip' Brake Composite. Limited numbers of all types are currently available from stock.

A body only etch for D95B is now available in 7mm scale - currently to order, the first batch having sold out.

Most the original 57' coach kits are in stock both corridor and non-corridor although a few holes are starting to appear but the preserved set (CC38) is back in stock. Again, all of the semi-corridor coach kits are currently in stock as are many of the non-passenger coaching stock kits including the newly restocked CC09 PBV.

All of the Balerno coach kits are in stock.

7mm Scale

Normally 7mm scale items are only available to order although we do have one 7_CC20, 15T Brake Van etch and one second quality etch of the same in stock, the latter at a substantial discount.

A good range of fittings is always available.

Production of all kits is limited to small batches which means that we are sometimes caught out of stock of a particular kit and also that kits may become available to order only once a batch is sold unless demand is still strong.

Should you order a kit which is out of stock we will inform you of the likely delay and offer you the option of an immediate refund if preferred.

Sometimes in browsing the site you will see items marked 'Advance Order' - these are kits etc. which should be available within 8 to 10 weeks assuming our suppliers meet their promised delivery dates unless otherwise noted on the individual page. A deposit of a maximum of £30 will be charged when you order with the balance invoiced when ready for delivery.


Soldered construction is the only viable method for virtually all Caley Coaches kits. That said each is designed to be as simple to construct as the prototype allows. If you're unsure please download the general instructions and the instructions for any kit in which you may be interested. If all else fails phone or email us!!

Projected new items

Development of the next locomotive kit is actively progressing: Class 300 0-6-0 locomotive and tender (4mm scale).

Photo D99 saloon

Coach-wise, we are currently working on 50' stock including the D99 50' saloon illustrated above and the semi-corridor coaches which were built in small numbers 1910 for the Callander and Oban line. There were 3 types

Progress is still being made with the 12 wheel Pullmans put these are complex prototypes to get right so there has been quite a bit of trial and error to date but hopefully they should start appearing in the next year or so starting with CC27, the composite dining cars.

Drop us a line if you are interested.

Advanced reservation on any item is welcome - please do not send any money prior to being notified that the kits are available.

The Site

This site should be compatible with most modern browers but let us know if it breaks yours! It is an expansion of our now obsolete printed catalogue with added photos both prototype and model (we're always on the lookout for the latter - we hope not all of our production lies in boxes unbuilt forever!) and there is an option to download instructions and prototype notes (all rights reserved by the way) so that you have the opportunity to see what you are getting into before you buy.

Any constructive criticism or comment is welcome.

Jim Smellie, Director, Caley Coaches Ltd

Caley Coaches Ltd, 15 Tay Crescent, Bishopbriggs, GLASGOW, Scotland, G64 1EU

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

Caledonian Railway Coat of Arms

"Wha dare meddle wi' me" - a loose translation of the Scottish motto (nemo me impune lacessit, litterly meaning "no-one provokes me with impunity") which was appropriated along with the Scottish coat of arms (without any sanction from the Lord Lyon, King of Arms) by the Caledonian Railway Co.

Contact details

Caley Coaches Ltd,
15 Tay Crescent
G64 1EU

+44(0)7771 956 643

Please e-mail us with any questions, to check stock or should you find any broken links on the site.

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie.

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

Cookie Policy

Company Number 137795.
Registered in Scotland.
Jim Smellie, Director.