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CR Parts and Fittings
(4mm Scale)

The following includes various fittings which are used in the kits and is really only an example of what can be supplied. Any fitting from any of the kits can be supplied to order. Send us an email with details of what you need and we'll give you a quote.

Photo of CF03  CF03

CB01  8' wheelbase Fox's Heavyweight bogies  £20.00/pair
Fully compensated with etched frames and investment cast brass details. As supplied with kits CC01-08 they also suit many other CR coaches as well as those of other lines such as the NB, GNSR and LSWR.

CB01/C  8' wheelbase Fox's Heavyweight bogie CASTINGS ONLY  £15.00/set
Set of brass investment castings ONLY from CB01. For use with, for example, Miscellany Models 'Coach 2 - Fox Bogies (Fully Sprung)'. Set of 8 leafspings/axlenoxes and 4 bolster springs.

CB03  10' wheelbase Fox's Heavyweight bogies  £22.00/pair
Fully compensated with etched frames and investment cast brass details. As supplied with kits CC21-24 they also suit many other CR 50' and 57' coaches.

CF01  Coach westinghouse fitings  £4.50
Investment cast brass.

CF02  Sprung coach buffers (as per CC01-08 etc.)  £8.00/4
Investment cast brass body with turned steel head.

CF03  Corridor connections  £6.00/pair
British Standard Type, non-working. As supplied with the 57' stock, etched brass.

CF06  Smokebox door dart. Wheel and handle type.  £2.25
Investment cast brass.

CF07  McIntosh loco backhead  £6.50
Investment cast brass.

CF09  6'6"+6'6" wheelbase tender chassis (rigid)  £8.50
The standard Caledonian 6 wheel tender chassis. Note: this is supplied without compensation components but is "compensation ready".

CF10  7'9"+9'0" coupling rods  £8.00
From kit CL2 and also suiting classes 30 and 300, etched in 20 thou. nickel-silver.

CF11  Crossheads  £4.50
From kit CL1, investment cast brass.

CF12  Westinghouse pump  £4.50
Investment cast brass.

CF13  Locomotive vacuum, steam & Westinghouse hoses  £9.00
Investment cast brass.

CF14  Ramsbottom safety valve  £5.00
From kit CL2, investment cast brass.

CF15  Ross "Pop" Safety Valve  £5.00
Investment cast brass.

CF16  7'6"+8'9" coupling rods  £8.00
Suitable for "Jumbo" 0-6-0.

CF18  Coach "Havoc" Roof Vents (20)  £7.00
Investment cast brass.

CF19  Coach "Torpedo" Roof Vents (20)  £7.00
Investment cast brass.

CF20  4' Coach spring and hangers  £8.50/6
Investment cast brass.

CF21  5' Coach spring and hangers  £8.50/6
Investment cast brass.

CF22  Combined Westinghouse cylinder & reservoir  £3.50
Investment cast brass.

CF23  Van oil axleboxes  £7.00/6
Investment cast brass.

CF24  Van Iracier axleboxes  £3.50/6
Investment cast brass.Special Offer

CF25  McIntosh Tender Axleboxes & Springs  £8.00/6
Investment cast brass.

CF26  C.R. Locomotive Cylinder Lubricators  £3.00
Investment cast brass.

CF28  CR Signal Parts  £8.25
A selection of etched brass signal arms, spectacles (with coloured glazing material), back blinds, counter balance levers & weights and arm, boss & lever plates. Sufficient for 12 arms.

CF29  CR Loco Lamps  £4.50
A pack of 10 of the distinctive , twin lens Caledonian Railway Locomotive lamps, investment cast brass with red, green and clear jewels.

CF30  2 Handle Smokebox Door Dart  £2.25
Investment cast brass.

CF31  Coach Dynamo  £2.25
Investment cast brass.

CF32  Coach Vacuum Cylinders  £4.00/pair
Investment cast brass.

CF33  Locomotive superheater 'sniffing' valves  £1.25/pair
Investment cast brass. Special Offer

CF34  Locomotive Reversing Lever  £3.50
Investment cast brass.

CF35  Tender Brake Column  £2.25
Investment cast brass.

CF36  Caledonian Locomotive Whistle  £1.00
Investment cast brass.

CF37  MacIntosh Tender Tank Fillers  £3.50/pair
Investment cast brass.

CF38  Drummond Locomotive Buffers (sprung)  £10.40/4
Turned brass and steel (Slater's brand).

CF39  Tall Vacuum Pipes  £10.00/10
Investment cast brass

CF40  Underslung Vacuum Pipes  £10.00/10
Investment cast brass

CF41  Underslung Steam Pipes  £10.00/10
Investment cast brass

CF42  L&Y Horizontal Vacuum cylinder  £3.00
Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway 'Horizontal' coach vacuum cylinder. Used in the vacuum brake conversion of Caley 12 wheel stock.

CF43  Coach Electric Jumper Cables  £5.50/4
Investment cast in brass

CF44  Locomotive brake blocks and hangers  £4.00
Etched brass. Sufficient for 4 axles.

CF45  Coach door grab handles  £3.00
24 etched brass as supplied in coach kits.

The following items comprise a small range of LMS coach underframe detailing parts which I use in my own modelling and which I hope you might find useful in yours.

LM01  LMS Coach Central Trussing  £4.00
Fold-up underframe detail for LMS 57' coaches comprising cross trussing and and rear battery box and regulator supports. These suit many older ready to run models and stock built from kits such as BSL/Phoenix which lack these details.

LM02  LMS Long Bogie Steps  £3.50
Set of 4 (coach set) full bogie stepboards with fold up kick plate. Designed to fit 9 foot wheelbase LMS bogies. Etched brass.

LM03  LMS Short Bogie Steps  £2.25
Set of 3 (enough for one standard coach inc. brake ends) bogie stepboards with fold up kick plate. Designed to fit 9 foot wheelbase LMS bogies. Etched brass.

LM04  LMS Coach Corner Steps  £1.75
Set of 4 steps. Fitted at outer corners of underframe on LMS catering and sleeper stock. Etched brass.

Photo of LM01  LM01

Caley Coaches Ltd, 15 Tay Crescent, Bishopbriggs, GLASGOW, Scotland, G64 1EU

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

Caledonian Railway Coat of Arms

"Wha dare meddle wi' me" - a loose translation of the Scottish motto (nemo me impune lacessit, litterly meaning "no-one provokes me with impunity") which was appropriated along with the Scottish coat of arms (without any sanction from the Lord Lyon, King of Arms) by the Caledonian Railway Co.

Contact details

Caley Coaches Ltd,
15 Tay Crescent
G64 1EU

+44(0)7771 956 643

Please e-mail us with any questions, to check stock or should you find any broken links on the site.

All photographs on this site unless otherwise credited are from the collection of Jim Smellie.

Site contents Copyright © Caley Coaches Ltd, 2025.

Cookie Policy

Company Number 137795.
Registered in Scotland.
Jim Smellie, Director.